Thursday, November 16, 2006

Where are you

I gotta tell you, y'all are falling down on the job.

Here I am, posting every day. Baring my very soul for your amusement and gratification.

And no comments?

We all know I only do this for the attention.

Sure, I could tell you that it's all an exercise in improving my writing. That writing down my thoughts on a (until recently very ir-)regular basis is cathartic. That it's about what it means to me.

But I could do that on paper, and not have to worry about the damn cuts in electricity.

There's only one reason to publish your thoughts in a public forum. It's so people will read them.

And then tell you what they thought.

I suppose one could argue that I leave approximately zero comments on anyone else's site.

And I suppose someone else might suggest that I'm only writing this as my entry today, because I'm exhausted and not in the mood to write anything else, but my innate fear of failure and of not following through obliges me to continue with NaBloPoMo.

Did I tell you, by the way, that Monsieur le Directeur de l'Hopital has refused his permission or me to meet with patients for my article? But that the charming communication director called me yesterday afternoon to tell me, thus saving me yet ANOTHER trip to the hospital? But that I was rude to him anyway, because I was pissed that they were fucking with my story?

I could tell you about today's exercises in futility, but, even though it took all day, and there was some ridiculousness, I did manage to get the information I needed, and actually met a seriously impressive woman, who I kind of wish I could be friends with.

Okay. Tomorrow is a writing day, and I promise a better entry, and to finally answer the next question on the list.

Now? I'm going running.


Blogger Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

Gosh, your posts totally bring back my Peace Corps days. Ah, the joys and distresses of living someplace completely different and trying to get something worthwhile done!

2:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's a comment: "I don't like this entry!"

Just kidding. I LOVE that you're doing this post-a-day challenge because yours is the most interesting blog that I read. Meanwhile, I would have been pissed if my friends had learned about and taken up the would have been way too much to read. You definitely have the best stories of anyone, and probably the best writing skills as well so you make them even more interesting.

The only reason I don't comment more is because it comes in through rss to my livejournal so I don't usually click through to here.

So yeah, please keep blogging. :)

2:22 PM  
Blogger a.maria said...

i actually think my readership has gone down on my own blog b/c of my daily entries. i feel ya.

keep on blogging though woman. i'm here, reading away.

i just suck at comments!

5:03 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

It's so interesting to read blogs of adventures like yours...comments feel so good even if you hate to admit you like them!

Just lurking from NaBloPoMo...happy blogging.

2:11 AM  
Blogger AnnekeS said...

I'm a constant lurker... I got sucked in by the marathon stuff, and stayed because it is just darn interesting to read about your adventrures. I'm always excited to see that you have written something, I guess I just don't comment that much.

Keep it up!

10:23 AM  
Blogger David said...

"I suppose one could argue that I leave approximately zero comments on anyone else's site."


10:20 AM  

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